Conceived and provided by
Alan Twigg, this reference site is
an adjunct to the BC BookLook
news service, sponsored by
Pacific BookWorld News Society.

Overview Lieutenant Governor's Medal for Historical Writing

Each year, the British Columbia Historical Federation invites submissions for its Annual Historical Writing Competition to authors of British Columbia history; and the winning author is awarded the Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing.

For further details: BCHF

• To be eligible, a book must be about BC history and be published within the
competition year
• Non-fiction books representing any aspect of BC history are eligible.
• Reprints or revisions of books are not eligible
• Books may be submitted by authors or publishers
• Deadline for submission is December 31 of the year in which the book was published

Submission Requirements

• For instructions to enter the competition a letter MUST be sent to:
Director William R. Morrison
• This letter must contain the following:
1. Title of the book submitted
2. Author’s name and contact information
3. Publisher’s name and contact information
4. Selling price
• Deadline: December 31st of the year in which the book was published
• Authors/Publishers are required to submit three copies of their book
• Books entered become the property of the BC Historical Federation
• By submitting books for this competition, the authors agree that the BC Historical
Federation may use their name(s) in press releases and in its publications

Judging Criteria
Judges are looking for quality presentations and fresh material. Submissions will be evaluated in the following areas:
• Scholarship: quality of research and documentation, comprehensiveness,
objectivity and accuracy
• Presentation: organization, clarity, illustrations and graphics
• Accessibility: readability and audience appeal

All winners will receive publicity and an invitation to the Award’s Banquet at the Federation’s annual conference in May following the year of publication.